I saw this on a few blogs and thought it was cute and perfect for Valentine's Day...
How long have you been together? Almost nine years
How old is he? Thirty-two
Who eats more? Usually Jason does
Who said I love you first? Jason
Who is taller? Jason – by about a foot
Who sings better? Me. I love to sing – but he plays the guitar like a pro
Who is smarter? In general I would have to say me. But he does have areas where his intelligence kicks my butt.
Who does the laundry? Usually me, but if he gets impatient waiting for his clothes to be done, he’ll do it himself
Who does the dishes? Both of us do, but thankfully we also have a dishwasher that does most of the work.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed from the foot, Jason does
Who pays the bills? We have bills? Oh, that’s right, Jason pays them.
Who mows the lawn? Our gardener does.
Who cooks dinner? Chef Rachel… but we do eat out a few times a week.
Who drives when you are together? I hate to drive, so I am lucky that Jason is usually willing to be my chauffer.
Who is more stubborn? Me. Hands down.
Who kissed who first? It was kind of a mutual thing – but I would have to say Jason really made the first move
Who asked who out? Jason asked me out – he’s so cute!
Who proposed? Jason did. He proposed at Island’s Restaurant in Brea – it’s where we went on our very first date
Who is more sensitive? I’m the crier – I cry at everything!
Who has more friends? Jason. I am mostly friendless
Who has more siblings? Jason has three. I have one. But I also have three step-brothers.
Who wears the pants in the family? Jason. But technically, he wears the shorts because he rarely wears pants.
So cute!!!
thanks for sharing. fun to read :o)
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