The last couple of weeks I've been wearing my crafty pants. I've been working on several projects and thought that I would share a couple that I finished recently.
I saw this wreath in a magazine (can't remember which one and now I can't find it either) and fell in love with it. It was so simple and best of all, cheap to make. I bought the paper mache letter at Joann's and spray painted it with a couple coats of brown. I bought some fall leaf vines at Michael's (for 40% off) and just cut all the leaves off of the vine. I used my handy glue gun to glue on all the leaves in a few layers. When I was done I glued some magnets on the back and and once it was dry I stuck it on the front door. The magnets were leaving some black marks on the door, so I gave them a quick coat of Mod Podge and viola - no more black marks. 

I wanted some kind of banner it decorate my mantle with and decided on this one. It's sort of a variation on the one that I made for Dillon's birthday. I love how it turned out. I cut 12x12 scrapbook paper down to fit in my printer and printed the letters on the back using the reverse printing option. I cut out the letters with scissors and an exacto knife and attached them to paper circles that I cut out with my circle cutter. I used scrapbook photo mounting tape and attached the circles to some ribbon and then I stuck them to my mantle with some removable velcro strips.

I got tired of Dillon asking me multiple times every. single. day. how many more days until Halloween, so with the scraps left over from my banner, I whipped up this count down chain. Every morning we take of one ring and now he knows that when we get to the last ring - the one with the three and the one - it's Halloween. Each day, as we take off the rings we count how many days are left - so it's a good teaching tool too. And it was free to make - gotta love that!
I still have a few more craft projects that are in the cue that I haven't gotten around to yet - but I'm definitely not hanging up the crafty pants yet.