I can't believe that it is already the end of November and I have yet to even post Halloween pictures. I've been so busy lately that I've been going to bed by nine! What an old lady! So, since I have once again gone forever without a post, here are some of the highlights...

At the beginning of October, Dillon and I went to the pumpkin patch with my mom's group from Church. Dillon had a blast jumping in all the different bounce houses and riding on the "ATV" train. He did not like the petting zoo at all. He went in and then wanted right back out.
Next up was a dinner to celebrate my brother's engagement! I am so excited that he is getting married - I love my future sister-in-law and am so lucky that she is going to officially going to be a part of our family!
And finally, it was Halloween and Dillon got his first experience with Trick-or-treating. He told us that he wanted to be a skeleton for Halloween, so that's what we got him. I found a pair of skeleton jammies at Gymboree for ten bucks! How perfect - he can wear his costume over and over. He was such a cute little skeleton. When we started out trick-or-treating we didn't think to bring the stroller and by the time we got to the end of our street Dillon said that he was done. We went home and got the stroller and he was ready to go again... but after ten minutes he was finished. He said that he just wanted to go home. I'm sure next year it will be a totally different story.