I have had my eye on a Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle since before Dillon's birthday. I thought that he would really enjoy playing on it - but daddy said no. He said that Dillon was too little and wouldn't use it. So, you can imagine my surprise when I came home Sunday night and sitting in the living room was the Castle slide! Dillon noticed it right away too and made a beeline for it. He was a little timid climbing up the steps at first, but after about ten minutes he was a pro. He loves standing on the platform and spinning the steering wheel. His least favorite part is, well, the actual slide. Imagine that! He will go down it with help, but not on his own. I say that it's just a matter of days until he's doing that as well. 
Over The River And Through The Woods...
Last week was Jason's annual "men's trip." So, since I hate staying alone, Dillon and I went to visit my Mom and Grandma in Bishop. We had a really nice trip. So relaxing - I was able to read a whole book - and not just any book - a nice, long, fat book with 759 pages! It was great to not have all the everyday household chores hurled at me. I did cook two meals for everyone, but I do not consider this a chore - I love doing it!
Dillon had a great time following my mom around the house, feeding the doggies his food (and dropping the food on the dog's back), going for walks with Grandpa Steve, begging for food (taking after the dogs, I suppose) and sitting in the little chair that my brother made in high school wood shop. My mom also gave Dillon a bath in her laundry room sink every night - which he loved!
One day we drove up to Mammoth. It is such a pretty drive. I love seeing all the mountains and lakes, the cute little towns. We stopped for lunch at a little cafe called Tom's Place. We sat outside on the patio and ate lunch to the sound of the nearby stream. Up in Mammoth, we did some shopping and I went to one of my favorite stores. My mom added to my Coach collection with an early Christmas present! You gotta love Christmas in July!!
We came back home on Saturday and then it was rush, rush, rush... Saturday night - shopping. Sunday - Wedding Shower. Monday - kicked out of the house at the very last minute for contractors. Tuesday - hung out with my best friend... I need another vacation!
Dillon eating his Grammie's breakfast
Trying to get Nana's breakfast...
he got it!
Knock, Knock...
Who's there? It's Dillon!
Dillon was wanting to go outside, so Jason took him. After a few minutes, I heard knocking on the front door. I opened it up and Dillon was there with a big smile. I got close to him and he pushed me away - he wanted me to close the door so he could knock again. He is so silly. He knocked (and I answered) for five minutes. It's so amazing how easily amused babies are.
To The Point
Now if he would only use the baby signs that I have been trying to teach him...
August 20th
I am counting down the days until August 20th. It is a day that I have been waiting for, for almost four years. Four long years. That is the day that my kitchen remodel will start! My cabinets are being built and I am beyond excited!
Everything is coming together... We've chosen the tile and the paint colors. I picked out my chandelier. Now the only problem I am having is finding a new table. All the ones that I am drawn to are way too big. I guess that I will just have to wait until the kitchen is finished and then I can really see how much space we have - It's kind of hard to visualize it... I've been putting duct tape on the floor trying to outline where the new cabinets will go - and yesterday I actually drew the outline on the floor with a sharpie. I'm so impatient!!
Silly Dilly
Dillon loves music. His latest thing is dancing to the music. And when I say dancing, I mostly mean head banging. Boy, oh boy, he's just like daddy. He is also fascinated by peeking out the blinds and "jumping" on the bed... Here are a few short (very short) videos of him. Sorry that some of them are sideways - I couldn't figure out how to rotate them...
random funny stuff
Fourth of July
We had a really nice Fourth of July. We went to Jason's best friend, Brett's house. I spent the day relaxing, chasing Dillon around the house, and playing "Guitar Hero." Brett cooked us an awesome meal: chicken kabobs, jumbo shrimp, steak, Caesar salad, and tomatoes with mozzarella and basil. Yummy! We feasted like kings (well, like a queen for me)! After dinner, we lit fireworks. I love seeing the mortars and roman candles... so fun and pretty!
fourth of july,
Dillon has become quite the little talker. He has his own little language. Here is the Dillonese Dictionary...
howers = flowers
ight = light
hat = hat
hat = hair
hat = sunglasses
at = what's that
ah = hey, look at me
addy = daddy
mom = mommy (why can't I be mommy instead of mom?)
brr = bird
how-ide = outsidehowers = flowers
ight = light
hat = hat
hat = hair
hat = sunglasses
at = what's that
ah = hey, look at me
addy = daddy
mom = mommy (why can't I be mommy instead of mom?)
brr = bird
Ryan = favorite cousin Ryan
hi = come get me
hi = what he says when someone knocks on the door
Hi-lee = his cousin Kylie
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