This holiday season has really just sped by me in a blur. We were gone for five days at Thanksgiving. We went to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate our anniversary two weeks after Thanksgiving. The next weekend was the Slagle family Christmas party on Saturday followed by Christmas dinner with dad, step-mom, David and Kara that was at my house - meaning that I did all the cooking. Two days after that we were back in Bishop to celebrate Christmas - this time for six days. Home for a day and a half. Back on the road to ring in the New Year in Havasu. In Havasu for four days - got in huge car accident on the way home. (You can say that this year is off to a smashing start.) Somewhere in the mix we managed multiple trips to Disneyland, a family photo shoot, I hosted a table at my Bible study Christmas brunch, shopped for gifts, wrapped them all, decked the halls...
That being said, I enjoyed almost every minute of the big blur...
Thanksgiving was fun, despite everyone but David and I getting sick. The strange thing about everyone being sick was that everybody had different symptoms. Weird, I know.
Jason and I had a great weekend in Vegas. It was the first time we have been away together for more than one night since Dillon was born. We had a lot of fun doing not a whole lot. We went to a concert and saw Dead By Sunrise and Alice and Chains, but mostly we just did nothing... a little bit of gambling (I totally *heart* the Deal or No Deal slot machines) and what seemed like a ton of eating. Our room had a ginormous bathtub and I begged Jason to let me bring it home. It was paradise.
the bathtub:

Our Christmas was a white one! It snowed about a week or so before Christmas and there was still snow on the ground (not a lot - but it totally still counts). There was tons of snow about ten minutes from my mom's and we took Dillon to play. The first thing he did was throw himself on the ground and make a snow angel. He also tried to swim in the snow but that didn't work so well. Dillon scored a new wardrobe for Christmas - too bad it's in the high seventies and he can't wear anything yet.
Slagle Christmas Party:

Christmas in Bishop:
New Years was so relaxing. It was like a big movie marathon. I watched so many movies - it was awesome. Some were old and some we new and some I had already seen. But it was like a breath of fresh air to just sit and vege. I saw Julie & Julia, The Ugly Truth, Night at the Museum 2, Sleeping Beauty (Dillon watched it for the first time and when they showed the princess as a baby in the cradle he started yelling: Look, Baby Jesus! It's Baby Jesus! How sweet was that?), Cars, Monsters Inc., Ice Age 2... I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but you get the point. A. Lot. Of. Movies. Dillon spent the weekend playing / feuding with Addison, one of his favorite little people. They built forts, played with Batman, Barbies, and Disney Princesses, and just plain ran amok. To prevent them from further tearing up the place, we took them to the park. It was so cold (for us parents) so that idea was short lived.
On a side note... I must really be getting old. I barely made it to midnight. I was so tired. And we were in a different time zone. As in it was only eleven o'clock at home.
So... I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year!!