And in a picture totally unrelated to this post but too cute to leave out, here is a picture of Dillon trying to open the front door. The poor little guy wanted to go outside so badly - he was trying to escape. It's a good thing that I always keep the door locked - he was actually grabbing and turning the handle!
Couch Potato
The Sock Monster
Here is where the socks disappear to...
When we pulled the washer and dryer out to move them to the garage, I found a few socks that were previously thought to have been consumed by the mysterious sock monster. I found it amusing that this particular sock wasn't discovered until after it was in the garage. And one of my newly found socks was really eaten by the sock monster - the vacuum! It took me half an hour to save it (and fix the clogged vacuum).
random funny stuff
Room With A View
In other kitchen news, the plumbers are here today working on moving the washer and dryer to my new laundry room (a.k.a. the garage). They said it should take them two days to finish. Fun stuff!! It will be so nice to have them out of the kitchen - but at the same time, I think a tiny (and by tiny I mean teeny tiny) part of me will miss them being inside.
and some pictures of what the plumbers have been up to this morning:
(wow... there are holes in walls all over my house)
Hole-y Moley
Well, the kitchen remodel is finely underway. I can't believe how long these things take! The first step is relocating the washer and dryer to the garage. In order to do that, we (and by we, I mean Jason) had to dig out our front planter to get to the main drain. We (again, Jason) had to cut a chunk out of the garage floor. And by chunk, I mean 12 inches wide by 18 inches deep from the front of the garage to the back. That is a lot of digging. It took him and two guys ALL day to accomplish it!

We purchased all of our new appliances last week (and I tried to talk Jason into a new TV while we were at it, but he wasn't sold). I am really excited by what we picked - The fridge we chose has a water dispenser that you can tell how many cups and/or ounces to dispense (especially cool since my current fridge doesn't even have a dispenser).
Today, we went tile shopping... What a headache I had when we left. There were so many to choose from. We'd find a floor tile we liked, but it didn't match the counter we have chosen. Then we'd find tile for the back splash and couldn't find a floor tile to match. We were at the store for over an hour going back and forth, back and forth. After an hour, we finally made a decision and found a floor tile (well, it's actually three tiles) we both loved and it matched perfectly with the back splash mosaic I fell in love with and thankfully, they both coordinated with our counter top! Hooray!!
On The Road Again
For the third straight weekend, Jason, Dillon and I were on the road again... This time we went to visit my mom and step-dad in Bishop. We had a really nice time hanging out and relaxing. We splashed around in the kiddie pool with Dillon, went to Mammoth for dinner and ate out on the patio. My mom let Dillon eat spaghetti without us feeding him and he made such a mess - She was the one who got to clean him up!
After the "spaghetti incident"
Dillon and his new girlfriend who is just a few days younger than Dillon

Up, Up and Away!

Dillon loves hats! In fact, he is so obsessed with them that it's one of the few words in his vocabulary (he pronounces it Haa-t). He is so cute - he thinks everything is a hat. A sock? He puts it on his head. Blocks and pretty much anything relatively flat is also deemed a hat by Dillon and he promptly places it on his head. His new morning ritual has become coming into mommy and daddy's room, crawling to daddy's closet and pointing up at the shelf that has the hats on it. When we get him up from a nap he points to his tree, says hat and wants to go see the monkey that is wearing a sun visor. He takes it off the monkey, puts it on his head and then sticks it back on one of the two monkeys (although, this morning, he put it on Jack Skellington). Dillon has confiscated one of Jason's many Duck's hats and wears it off and on throughout the day. If Jason has on a hat, Dillon takes it off (and then about 90% of the time, he puts it on my head).
Wearing Ryan's Hat (which Dillon plucked off Ryan's head)
Dillon wearing "his" Duck's hat
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