Today we visited the Buffalo Bill Cody museum and grave site. It was another thing that didn't really float my boat before we went, but I am glad that we did go. It is located up on a mountain called lookout mountain and you can see for forever from up there.
Inside the museum there is a short movie that you watch about the life of Buffalo Bill and I found it pretty interesting. But the scene stealer of the movie was none other than Dillon. At one point in the movie they showed a picture of Buffalo Bill and Dillon says really loud "that's a funny man." Everyone in the theater had a good laugh. There was also an Indian in the picture, so we were not one-hundred percent sure who he was talking about, but then they flashed a picture of Buffalo Bill, alone, and what does my little guy say? "There's the funny man again" Thankfully everyone laughed again and thankfully Ryan took Dillon out of the theater.

"yook mommy, a buffawoe"
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