what you put in it:
(To play along with Favorite Food Friday click here!)
(To play along with Favorite Food Friday click here!)
Broccoli Slaw
(my own recipe)
what you put in it:
12oz. bag broccoli slaw
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
2 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup dry-roasted, salted peanuts
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
how you make it:
Place broccoli slaw, cilantro, green onions and peanuts in a medium bowl. Set aside.
In a small bowl combine lime juice, olive oil, sugar and salt, stirring well with a whisk.
Drizzle over broccoli mixture and toss to coat.
(To play along with Favorite Food Friday click here!)
My friend Hilda tagged me for this. I tried to come up with twenty-five new things.
1. My favorite flowers are tulips. Coming in at a close second are gerbera daisies.
2. I wish I was a better cook.
3. I took roughly one thousand pictures between mid-November and early January.
4. Penguins are my favorite animals.
5. When my mom first moved to Bishop almost ten years ago, I thought I could never live there... now, I'm not so sure. I find myself enjoying the small town life. (if only there was a Target)
6. I have never gone on a vacation somewhere and not wanted to go back.
7. I've done just about everything that I said I wouldn't do when I was a mom.
8. I have never been pulled over while driving.
9. In high school I never once got detention.
10. Jason once made me camp at the river over Forth of July weekend in one-hundred and twenty degree heat. I hated it and told him that I would never go camping again... and we haven't. (I don't consider this a vacation because we spent many weekends out at the river)
11. I used to take rice to school for lunch in elementary school. I would use food coloring to dye it various colors like green and purple.
12. I have seen Wicked twice and would love to see it ten more times.
13. I spent my fifth birthday in the hospital.
14. I broke my clavicle when I was in third grade.
15. When I was in high school I went with a friend to an amusement park and we talked with English accents all day. So, so dorky, I know.
16. I knew I would marry Jason before we even had our first date.
17. I like Top Ramen
18. I had way too many Cabbage Patch Kids when I was little (I think I had like thirteen). One of my favorites was a "world traveler" from Holland - it came with cute little plastic wooden shoes.
19. I once peeked at my birthday presents when I was little and knew every single present that I was getting. Worst. Birthday. Ever. (yes, even worse than my fifth)
20. My brother and I never got along when we were younger, but now we hang out all the time.
21. I am hooked on The Bachelor - a show I swore up and down I would never watch.
22. I love TiVo... but I often forget to fast forward through the commercials.
23. I always wished that I had a twin... hmmm... maybe that is why I would love to have twins?
24. I often have dreams about being back in high school and in them I never know where my classes are.
25. I love peanut butter frozen yogurt with peanut butter cups from Golden Spoon.
Tag! You're it!
(To play along with Favorite Food Friday click here!)
You Are Tomato Soup |
![]() You are open minded and curious about the world. You can help but learn as much as you can about things. You are introverted, intellectual, and introspective. In other words, you have a big brain... and you use it. You are a bit of a culinary expert, and you are an excellent cook. You know how to balance delicate flavors well and can whip up a mean bowl of soup. |