Chop, Chop...
Dillon is such a little conniver...
Dillon: 'anana (pointing at the bananas)
Mommy: You already had a banana for breakfast and you already had dinner.
Dillon: (again, points to the bananas) Elmo.
Mommy: Elmo wants a banana?
Dillon: Yeah.
Mommy: Elmo doesn't want a banana.
Dillon: (points again) Baby
Mommy: No baby boy, you can't have a banana.
Dillon: (walks away and over to the pantry) cookie?

Football Fun

Rach Of Cakes

I also made the cake (well, actually cakes) for my niece, Tiffany's, Sweet Sixteen party. This was also my first attempt at rolled fondant. I made what felt like ten trillion (in reality it was somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty) little cakes that were supposed to resemble Tiffany boxes. I was very pleased with the outcome, even though they were supposed to be topped with fondant bows - but I ran out of time for those.
My most recent cake was made this weekend for my mother-in-law's birthday. It was a two tier, four layer cake. The bottom tier was lemon cake with lemon frosting in between the layers (I used store bought frosting that I jazzed up with lemon juice and lemon zest) and the top tier was a chocolate cake with banana filling. The filling was super easy to make and was super yummy. I made white buttercream frosting (I loosely followed the Wilton recipe - but used all butter instead of half butter and half shortening) and covered it with rolled fondant cut-outs. I was super proud of the way it turned out (even though it was far from perfect) and was so happy that it survived the car ride to her house. I don't think that I have ever been so stressed on a car ride!
Winter Wonderland
A conversation with Dillon
Dillon: Eat
Me: What Boo-boo? (didn't quite sound like eat and he's never said it before)
Dillon: Eat
Me: (to Susan) Did he just say "eat?"
Susan: Yes
Me: Dillon, do you want to eat?
Dillon: Nods yes and signs more
OK then.
A Funny Thing
Jason was throwing away some trash when he saw these people looking up at him:
My New Years Goals
Happy 2008!
They loved sitting in each others high chairs:
They loved playing on the fire place and climbing all over the beds:
They had fun eating together (and stealing food from each other):
Dillon being silly:
We had fun at the party: