Great Birthday
Captain Dillon
I was taking some pictures of Dillon for the invitations for his second birthday. I love how they turned out...

Seven Fun Facts
1. I love Crate & Barrel. It is one of my very favorite places to spend my money. In fact, I love it so much that I keep an ongoing gift registry. I know what you're thinking: What a weirdo. But, it's perfect for Jason (or anyone else who has the need) to shop for me and I am usually the one shopping off of it anyway. I love the fact that I've already chosen what I would like to have and then I can shop off my list because even with my list in hand I can spend over an hour browsing and eventually picking out what I want.
2. For a period of over a year (probably closer to two years) I only bought my clothes at the Gap. Crazy, I know.
3. I never considered myself artistic and always used to joke that I could only draw stick figures. But, in college, I took require set painting class and my final required a huge painting. And I discovered that if I set my mind on it, I could actually accomplish it.
not totally great - but much better than I ever thought possible
So, when I wanted to have jungle animals painted on Dillon's wall for his nursery - and not wanting to shell out big buck for a professional - I said to myself, "self, you can do this" and do it I did - and seven months huge... err... I mean pregnant at that. I get filled with pride now that Dillon is noticing his surroundings and makes monkey noises at the monkey on his wall or says "chomp, chomp" at the alligator.
4. Ghosts fascinate me. I love to watch Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State and A Haunting, just to name a few. When I was younger I was always checking out books from the library on ghosts and would spend hours reading them. I'm not sure that I would ever want to come face to face with a ghost - I think that it would be totally freaky!
5. I am a Target snob. I love that store. I could never live somewhere where there was not a Target nearby. I shop there at least once a week. I cringe when I have to go to Wal-mart - I hate it there. I am so happy that there are three Targets that are a ten minute or less drive away.
6. I'm not much of a drinker and don't like beer. So, on the occasion that I do drink, I usually have a glass of wine or shots of Patron Silver or Jameson.
7. I always return my shopping cart to either the front of the store or to a cart coral. I usually park near a cart return spot. I get so annoyed when I see shopping carts left where ever - especially when someone only has to take a few extra steps to put it back.
Birthday Blues
I've always heard that age is just a number and I'm sure that next Friday I will believe that. I also bet that turning thirty will be no different than turning twenty-nine or twenty-five or even twenty. But still, I will be slowly counting down the days until the "big day."
My Latest Creation

To make the flags, first I used a cookie cutter to cut out a star in my fondant.
Next, I used a butter knife to make the stars into five diamond shapes. I then wrapped the short end of the diamond around a lollipop stick.
After the flags hardened a bit, I used a Wilton fondant writer to put the numbers on the flags.

Unhappy Valentine's Day
The day wasn't entirely a bust: Jason surprised me with a dozen red roses and chocolate covered strawberries (which went great with the cheesecake I picked up for dessert). The table looked great. The dinner was tasty - even with the overcooked steak.
So far today looks better than yesterday... The plumber just left and luckily the leak was covered under the warranty. And, my hand only has blisters in three spots - last night I was thinking my whole hand would be covered.

Happy Valentine's Day
What are some traditions everyone else has?
I Do

How old is he? Thirty-two
Who eats more? Usually Jason does
Who said I love you first? Jason
Who is taller? Jason – by about a foot
Who sings better? Me. I love to sing – but he plays the guitar like a pro
Who is smarter? In general I would have to say me. But he does have areas where his intelligence kicks my butt.
Who does the laundry? Usually me, but if he gets impatient waiting for his clothes to be done, he’ll do it himself
Who does the dishes? Both of us do, but thankfully we also have a dishwasher that does most of the work.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed from the foot, Jason does
Who pays the bills? We have bills? Oh, that’s right, Jason pays them.
Who mows the lawn? Our gardener does.
Who cooks dinner? Chef Rachel… but we do eat out a few times a week.
Who drives when you are together? I hate to drive, so I am lucky that Jason is usually willing to be my chauffer.
Who is more stubborn? Me. Hands down.
Who kissed who first? It was kind of a mutual thing – but I would have to say Jason really made the first move
Who asked who out? Jason asked me out – he’s so cute!
Who proposed? Jason did. He proposed at Island’s Restaurant in Brea – it’s where we went on our very first date
Who is more sensitive? I’m the crier – I cry at everything!
Who has more friends? Jason. I am mostly friendless
Who has more siblings? Jason has three. I have one. But I also have three step-brothers.
Who wears the pants in the family? Jason. But technically, he wears the shorts because he rarely wears pants.
Be Still My Heart
Today I told Dillon that I loved him and he said I love you back. Well, it was really more like "I whoa woo," but, still... Oh, my heart melts!
Today I Am Thankful...
that Crayola crayons and markers are non-toxic. Lately, they seem to be one of Dillon's favorite snacks. The last few times that we have gone out to eat and he has been given crayons, after he colors for a bit, he takes a bite. And yesterday while I was making dinner - he bit the ends off of two of his Color Wonder markers. Oh, what am I going to do with boy?