For the last two months Dillon and I have been going to a mommy and me class called Kindergym. He has tons of fun singing, clapping, exercising, and playing with the "bobbies" (aka babies). The class starts with free play (where he can play on the slides, teeter-totters and with "big balls") which is followed by singing. After we sing songs we do some exercising and marching activities. Each week there is a skill that they get to learn and practice, like somersaults, walking on the balance beam, rolling down an incline or crawling under and stepping over a stick. Dillon's two favorite things each week are the bubbles and getting stamps on his hands and his belly.

There are about twenty babies and twenty moms and there is utter chaos, but it is totally organized chaos. Dillon absolutely loves going to class and is so excited that he gets to go to "school" just like his cousins. He has really blossomed since we have started going. Talking more, singing, cheering and clapping at things. Our first session ended today and I have already signed us up for the summer classes because he loved it so much.

I did a class with Halle that was similar. It was called Kindermusic. She absolutely loved it- looks like he is too!
That looks like so much fun! You can tell by the look on his face that he just loves it. I wish we had a place like that close to our house - Landon and Mauryn would both love it.
kristen, the class is through the local community college district under their continuing education classes. i'm not sure if you guys have anything like that by you. it's actually considered a parenting class.
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