Today Susan, Tiffany and I participated in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. What an amazing experience it was. The walk is a twenty-four hour walk where you participate on a team and at least one member of your team has to be walking for the entire time. By the time the walk kicked off at nine in the morning it was already blazing hot. I am so thankful that we walked at ten PM. Susan and Tiffany walked in the first lap of the day: the Survivors lap. How awesome it was to see all the survivors out there - young and old. One of the survivors was a nine year old boy.
The highlight of the day was the Luminaria. The track was lined with luminaries that were in memory of those who have lost their battle or in memory of those who have survived and beat this horrible disease. It was awesome to walk the track when it was only lit by candle and moon light.

i am tearing up just reading this post. what an awesome experience!
I can't imagine what an emotional time it must have been.
God bless you for taking part!
-Love the last sign!!!
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