Remember this guy? Well, Jason found him again. This time he was on a box of granola bars from Walmart...
Cool Shoes
When my mom was here she told Dillon that she was going to buy him a new pair of shoes. She asked him what kind of shoes he wanted and he told her that he wanted "cool shoes." (When he says things like that I forget that he is only twenty-five months old.) He then told her that he wanted orange shoes. OK, then. Well, since we didn't get to go shopping when my mom was here, Jason and I took him to get shoes last night. He saw these shoes and declared them "cool:
So, now my two year old has become an independent free thinking kid who knows exactly what he wants. My how he is growing up.

Fun Stuff
Dillon is becoming so much fun and has me laughing every day. He says some of the funniest things...
Today, just for fun, I knocked on his door when he was calling me after his nap (out, night night). I about fell over laughing when he said "who is it?"
One day I walked into his room to get him up and he was very stinky. I said "pee-you" and he copied me saying "pee-you" back to me. Again I said "pee-you" only this time he replied "pee-me"
Dillon learned the word "now" and he uses it every chance he gets. He's so cute - he'll say things like "I sit here now." He uses it so politely and never says it like "NOW"
He loves to sing. He also loves to sing solo and will tell whoever else is singing "no sing, Nannie sing." His favorite songs are "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" (lyrics are: tickle, tickle star) and the ABC song (lyrics: a-b-e-b-i)
random funny stuff
The other day Dillon watched the Batman cartoon with Jason. Since then he has been running around the house yelling "Batman" nonstop! He is constantly asking if "Batman on?" wondering when he can watch him. So, this morning we took Dillon to Target to get him his own Batman. So far Batman has gone with us to Fresh & Easy and Starbucks, he has played with Dillon in the backyard and now the two of them are watching Little Einsteins.

random funny stuff,
Disney Trip: Day Two
Our day started out great: Disneyland wasn't very crowded, the weather was nice, the lines were short. We got to Disneyland a little after two o'clock and rode Pirates of the Caribbean, the Pooh ride and the Jungle Cruise all before three o'clock. But, the Jungle Cruise was the last ride we got to ride for the day. Sadly, my Nana fell getting out of the boat. She fell onto the bench with her foot under her. The ride guy called first aid and they sent two registered nurses to check her out. By the time they arrived her foot was already swelling. They closed the ride and cleared out the line. So, there we were, sitting on a boat - I was trying to entertain a two year old and everyone else was trying to figure out how to get my Nana out of the boat. At one point I looked over and saw my Nana's head shaking and I asked my mom if she was crying. Nope, she was laughing. At least she was in good spirits along with her pain. They decided that the best way to get her out of the boat was to enlist the help of the Disneyland Fire Department. Now we had several ride workers, more than one security guard, five or six firemen, guys in suits, and two registered nurses all standing around. No wonder my Nana was laughing.
After she was out of the boat, they took her to first aid to further examine her ankle. They couldn't determine if it was broken or just sprained, so her next ride would be a ride in an ambulance to the local ER.
At one point when I was checking on my Nana, Dillon was outside with Jason and they were feeding the ducks that were in the planter. I walked outside to see Dillon crying hysterically - he had stuck his head between the bars in the fence surrounding the planter and his noggin was stuck! He couldn't pull it out because he had it turned and it had scared him. There was another mom around and she said that it scared her too. We could have really had an interesting day at Disneyland if Jason couldn't have gotten Dillon's head out.
I just want to add that everyone who helped us was beyond nice. One of the security guards gave Dillon multiple stickers. Three employees who walked by the first aid asked how she was doing and actually seemed concerned. The best part was that Disneyland actually gave me two tickets so that my mom and Nana could go again anytime within the next two years (and the girl who gave me the tickets said that she would pray for my Nana - which I thought was awesome).
Oh, and the most important part of the story is that there was no broken bones but she does have a severely sprained ankle.
**On the way to Disneyland, my mom told Dillon that she would buy him a hat and asked him what kind of hat he wanted. His answer? An orange hat. Here is the one that he picked:
Disney Trip: Day One
My mom and Nana are in town for the week and today we took Dillon to California Adventure. It was supposed to be hot, but the morning was freezing and both Dillon and I were in shorts. Luckily, it warmed up in the afternoon. Other than the weather factor, we had a great day. We explored A Bugs Land, rode the big Ferris Wheel, watched the Playhouse Disney Live show, ate tortillas, watched Dillon run around Redwood Creek Challenge Trail and wore ourselves out. Long day, but lots of fun. Tomorrow: Disneyland!

Mother's Day 2008
Family. Good Food. Yummy Cupcakes. Warm Sunny Day.
Being Loved By Jason and Dillon. Great Day.
(Could have only been better if I was with my mom!)

my baked creations
Mother's Day Brunch
Today our church had a Mother's Day Brunch. Back in March, there was a blurb in the bulletin asking for people to send in their "mom stories". My niece, Tiffany, secretly mailed the person in charge a story about her mom, Susan, and they asked Tiffany to come in and record the message on video so that they could play it at the brunch. Here is what Tiffany wrote:
My name is Tiffany Slagle and I am 16 years old and I am writing this e-mail because I saw the note in the bulletin this past Sunday concerning the Mother's Day stories. I am the older sister of my brother Ryan who is 12 and my younger sister, Jordan, who is 10. In the past 2 years or so, our lives haven't been quite the same as they used to be. My mom, Susan, who used to work full time, was going to nursing school, raising 3 kids, and yet still had time to put dinner on the table every night for all 5 of us and time to just chill and have some family fun on the weekends, was diagnosed with colon cancer. In these past years of seeing her go through different treatments, seeing her suffer, but still seeing that smile on her face even when she felt horrible, has been just a huge encouragement to our whole family. She's the one everyone (well especially me) looks up to with that big grin and positive attitude everyday. She has shown us that you can never give up. To fight for everything you have, everything you've worked towards to get to where you are today. Yes, we all realize that sometimes things do get hectic and difficult but that never stops her from that sense of hope that everyone knows is there. She has been a hero to me, my whole family, and also her friends. She continues to amaze us more and more everyday!
They brunch was really nice and Susan was totally surprised to see her kids faces up on the screen.

I am in a bit of a blogging drought. Not much has been happening at our house lately... Dillon is talking up a storm - he's never quiet - EVER! He's making longer sentences and picking up new words daily. The other day he blew me away by saying "mo bob bob dackers peas" which means "more Sponge Bob crackers, please." He also hates for Jason to go to work and every morning when Jason gets him up he promptly says: No work Daddy home. It's cute, but so sad at the same time.
Well, I know it's a short post, but like I said - I'm in a drought.
Mother's Day Photo Contest
This is a photo I am entering in a photo contest here.
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