It was an awesome event - there were around fifteen-thousand people walking. Everywhere you looked, there was a sea of people. It was highly emotional seeing the survivors, people wearing shirts honoring loved ones and even one man who was wearing a decorated bra and a sign that said "In support of my wife." A group of people were wearing shirts in memory of their aunt who had died from breast cancer two days before the walk. Two days! There were signs hung on light and telephone poles that were in memory of those who have died and in celebration of those who are winning their fight. Near the finish line, we looked up to see a familiar face on a poster. It was Donna Logan, my niece Jordan's teacher from last year. She lost her battle with breast cancer the day before school started again this year. Seeing poster with her picture on it made the whole walk a little more real for me - that we were actually out walking with a purpose, trying to raise money to put an end for cancer. And while that cure will not come today or tomorrow, one day there will be a cure and I can be proud to know that I had a hand in it.
Oh, and on a side note: Can you believe that there was actually a guy walking through the crowd before the race smoking?!? Smoking!! I pointed him out (loudly and disgustedly) to the ladies I was walking with - "You gotta love it that someone is SMOKING at a cancer walk." That got his attention; he turned to look at us, shrugged, half-smiled, and then tossed his cigarette onto the ground and put it out. What a freaking idiot!
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