While we were at Grandma Shirley and Papa Neil's house, a group of Trick-or-treaters came to the house and Dillon ran to the door to see what was going on. I think he was a little confused as to why there was a skeleton at the door. After they left, he kept pointing out the door wondering where they went. He found the stash of candy and kept pulling out the packages of M&M's and then handing them to us. It was cute because it was the only kind of candy that he would take out.
Next, we went and visited Auntie Sheila and cousins Tommy and Christopher. They had set up in the driveway and Dillon loved seeing all the people come in costume. Someone came dressed as Jason from Friday the thirteenth and it was the only time he got scared and started to cry. Dillon was standing there all by himself and started to cry and I yelled "Jason" meaning my husband not the scary guy and the trick-or-treater looked at me totally confused - but at least the real Jason knew what I was talking about. A group of girls came by and said that Dillon won for the cutest costume ever! Actually, we heard that a bunch. Christopher said that Dillon always has cool costumes (last year he was a bat). Dillon walked to the end of the driveway and saw a house all decorated with lights - he had to go to see it! Tommy and Christopher took him to see the house. I think that the highlight of the night for Dillon was Auntie Sheila blowing bubbles for him. He loved them and was so excited by them! On the way home he was so tired - I think he was asleep before we were even off of their street!