
How Dillon Spent His Birthday

A blog from the view point of Dillon...

In the morning I woke up and my mommy made me a bottle... breakfast in bed.

After I finished it I was all smiles and ready to start my day.

Mommy went shopping for some things for my party and I played in my jumper while Daddy watched me.

After I jumped and played with my balls, I had some Cheerios...

Next, Mommy took me to the Picture People to get my pictures taken. Now that I am 1, so won't drag me there every month. I looked so cute that Mommy had a really hard time deciding which pictures to get. She wanted to get them all...

When we came home, Daddy pushed me in my swing while Mommy was baking my birthday cakes for my party tomorrow.

While I was swinging, my Grammie, Grandpa Steve and Nana came to see me. They brought me lots of presents that I couldn't wait to open. So, they let me open them...

After I opened all my presents, I played catch with Grandpa Steve until it was time for bed. Daddy brought me into the kitchen to say "ni ni" to Mommy and I stole a piece of cake. It was super yummy. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can have a whole cake all to myself...

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