This is me one year ago today - On my way to the hospital to be induced after a bad doctor's appointment. At 37 weeks my doctor said that my blood pressure was a little high, but we would see how it was the following week. Well, at my 38 week check-up, my blood pressure was, well, sky high - stroke level to be exact. Since Dillon had an issue with fetal
monitors (he ALWAYS moved away) they couldn't monitor him and told me to go home and get my bag and head to the hospital. Some 24 hours of labor (actually wasn't too bad and was only that long because I had been induced), 2 epidurals (neither of which worked), 2 hours of pushing, 1 stuck "sunny side up" baby, and an emergency C-section later, my little prince was born. I can't believe that he will turn 1 tomorrow. The time has passed in the blink of an eye.

I always knew that I wanted to be a mom. In fact, it was my only real ambition in life. And I always knew that I would love it - I just never knew how MUCH I would love it! It is truly the greatest blessing from God and I am so thankful that he given me such a wonderful baby to love... And I can't wait until He blesses our family with another addition (Although, I'm not quite ready for Him to expand the family).
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